Source code for apache_beam.typehints.batch

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"""Utilities for working with batched types in the Beam SDK.

A batched type is a type B that is logically equivalent to Sequence[E], where E
is some other type. Typically B has a different physical representation than
Sequence[E] for performance reasons.

A trivial example is B=np.array(dtype=np.int64), E=int.

from typing import Callable
from typing import Generic
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import TypeVar

import numpy as np

from apache_beam.typehints import typehints

B = TypeVar('B')
E = TypeVar('E')

BATCH_CONVERTER_REGISTRY: List[Callable[[type, type], 'BatchConverter']] = []

[docs]class BatchConverter(Generic[B, E]): def __init__(self, batch_type, element_type): self._batch_type = batch_type self._element_type = element_type
[docs] def produce_batch(self, elements: Sequence[E]) -> B: """Convert an instance of List[E] to a single instance of B.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def explode_batch(self, batch: B) -> Iterator[E]: """Convert an instance of B to Iterator[E].""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def combine_batches(self, batches: Sequence[B]) -> B: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_length(self, batch: B) -> int: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def register( batch_converter_constructor: Callable[[type, type], 'BatchConverter']): BATCH_CONVERTER_REGISTRY.append(batch_converter_constructor) return batch_converter_constructor
[docs] @staticmethod def from_typehints(*, element_type, batch_type) -> 'BatchConverter': element_type = typehints.normalize(element_type) batch_type = typehints.normalize(batch_type) for constructor in BATCH_CONVERTER_REGISTRY: result = constructor(element_type, batch_type) if result is not None: return result # TODO(BEAM-14339): Aggregate error information from the failed # BatchConverter matches instead of this generic error. raise TypeError( f"Unable to find BatchConverter for element_type {element_type!r} and " f"batch_type {batch_type!r}")
@property def batch_type(self): return self._batch_type @property def element_type(self): return self._element_type def __key(self): return (self._element_type, self._batch_type) def __eq__(self, other: 'BatchConverter') -> bool: if isinstance(other, BatchConverter): return self.__key() == other.__key() return NotImplemented def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.__key())
[docs]class ListBatchConverter(BatchConverter):
[docs] @staticmethod @BatchConverter.register def from_typehints(element_type, batch_type): if (isinstance(batch_type, typehints.ListConstraint) and batch_type.inner_type == element_type): return ListBatchConverter(batch_type, element_type) else: return None
[docs] def produce_batch(self, elements): return list(elements)
[docs] def explode_batch(self, batch): return iter(batch)
[docs] def combine_batches(self, batches): return sum(batches, [])
[docs] def get_length(self, batch): return len(batch)
[docs]class NumpyBatchConverter(BatchConverter): def __init__( self, batch_type, element_type, dtype, element_shape=(), partition_dimension=0): super().__init__(batch_type, element_type) self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self.element_shape = element_shape self.partition_dimension = partition_dimension
[docs] @staticmethod @BatchConverter.register def from_typehints(element_type, batch_type) -> Optional['NumpyBatchConverter']: if not isinstance(element_type, NumpyTypeHint.NumpyTypeConstraint): try: element_type = NumpyArray[element_type, ()] except TypeError: # TODO: Is there a better way to detect if element_type is a dtype? return None if not isinstance(batch_type, NumpyTypeHint.NumpyTypeConstraint): if not batch_type == np.ndarray: # TODO: Include explanation for mismatch? return None batch_type = NumpyArray[element_type.dtype, (N, )] if not batch_type.dtype == element_type.dtype: return None batch_shape = list(batch_type.shape) partition_dimension = batch_shape.index(N) batch_shape.pop(partition_dimension) if not tuple(batch_shape) == element_type.shape: return None return NumpyBatchConverter( batch_type, element_type, batch_type.dtype, element_type.shape, partition_dimension)
[docs] def produce_batch(self, elements): return np.stack(elements, axis=self.partition_dimension)
[docs] def explode_batch(self, batch): """Convert an instance of B to Generator[E].""" yield from batch.swapaxes(self.partition_dimension, 0)
[docs] def combine_batches(self, batches): return np.concatenate(batches, axis=self.partition_dimension)
[docs] def get_length(self, batch): return np.size(batch, axis=self.partition_dimension)
# numpy is starting to add typehints, which we should support # for now they don't allow # specifying shape, seems to be coming after #
[docs]class NumpyTypeHint():
[docs] class NumpyTypeConstraint(typehints.TypeConstraint): def __init__(self, dtype, shape=()): self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self.shape = shape
[docs] def type_check(self, batch): if not isinstance(batch, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Batch {batch!r} is not an instance of ndarray") if not np.issubdtype(batch.dtype, self.dtype): raise TypeError( f"Batch {batch!r} does not have expected dtype: {self.dtype!r}") for dim in range(len(self.shape)): if not self.shape[dim] == N and not batch.shape[dim] == self.shape[dim]: raise TypeError( f"Batch {batch!r} does not have expected shape: {self.shape!r}")
def _consistent_with_check_(self, sub): # TODO Check sub against batch type, and element type return True def __key(self): return (self.dtype, self.shape) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, NumpyTypeHint.NumpyTypeConstraint): return self.__key() == other.__key() return NotImplemented def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.__key())
def __getitem__(self, value): if isinstance(value, tuple): if len(value) == 2: dtype, shape = value return self.NumpyTypeConstraint(dtype, shape=shape) else: raise ValueError else: dtype = value return self.NumpyTypeConstraint(dtype, shape=(N, ))
NumpyArray = NumpyTypeHint()