apache_beam.ml.inference package¶
A package with various modules for running inferences and predictions on models. This package contains support for popular frameworks as well as an interface for adding unsupported frameworks.
Note: on top of the frameworks captured in submodules below, Beam also has a supported TensorFlow model handler via the tfx-bsl library. See https://beam.apache.org/documentation/sdks/python-machine-learning/#tensorflow for more information on using TensorFlow in Beam.
- apache_beam.ml.inference.base module
- apache_beam.ml.inference.onnx_inference module
- apache_beam.ml.inference.pytorch_inference module
- apache_beam.ml.inference.sklearn_inference module
- apache_beam.ml.inference.tensorflow_inference module
- apache_beam.ml.inference.tensorrt_inference module
- apache_beam.ml.inference.utils module
- apache_beam.ml.inference.xgboost_inference module