apache_beam.ml.inference.sklearn_inference module¶
(model_uri: str, model_file_type: apache_beam.ml.inference.sklearn_inference.ModelFileType = <ModelFileType.PICKLE: 1>, *, inference_fn: Callable[[sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, Sequence[numpy.ndarray], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]], Any] = <function _default_numpy_inference_fn>, min_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, max_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Implementation of the ModelHandler interface for scikit-learn using numpy arrays as input.
Example Usage:
pcoll | RunInference(SklearnModelHandlerNumpy(model_uri="my_uri"))
Parameters: - model_uri – The URI to where the model is saved.
- model_file_type – The method of serialization of the argument. default=pickle
- inference_fn – The inference function to use. default=_default_numpy_inference_fn
- min_batch_size – the minimum batch size to use when batching inputs. This batch will be fed into the inference_fn as a Sequence of Numpy ndarrays.
- max_batch_size – the maximum batch size to use when batching inputs. This batch will be fed into the inference_fn as a Sequence of Numpy ndarrays.
- kwargs – ‘env_vars’ can be used to set environment variables before loading the model.
(batch: Sequence[numpy.ndarray], model: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, inference_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) → Iterable[apache_beam.ml.inference.base.PredictionResult][source]¶ Runs inferences on a batch of numpy arrays.
Parameters: - batch – A sequence of examples as numpy arrays. They should be single examples.
- model – A numpy model or pipeline. Must implement predict(X). Where the parameter X is a numpy array.
- inference_args – Any additional arguments for an inference.
Returns: An Iterable of type PredictionResult.
(batch: Sequence[numpy.ndarray]) → int[source]¶ Returns: The number of bytes of data for a batch.
(model_uri: str, model_file_type: apache_beam.ml.inference.sklearn_inference.ModelFileType = <ModelFileType.PICKLE: 1>, *, inference_fn: Callable[[sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, Sequence[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]], Any] = <function _default_pandas_inference_fn>, min_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, max_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Implementation of the ModelHandler interface for scikit-learn that supports pandas dataframes.
Example Usage:
pcoll | RunInference(SklearnModelHandlerPandas(model_uri="my_uri"))
NOTE: This API and its implementation are under development and do not provide backward compatibility guarantees.
Parameters: - model_uri – The URI to where the model is saved.
- model_file_type – The method of serialization of the argument. default=pickle
- inference_fn – The inference function to use. default=_default_pandas_inference_fn
- min_batch_size – the minimum batch size to use when batching inputs. This batch will be fed into the inference_fn as a Sequence of Pandas Dataframes.
- max_batch_size – the maximum batch size to use when batching inputs. This batch will be fed into the inference_fn as a Sequence of Pandas Dataframes.
- kwargs – ‘env_vars’ can be used to set environment variables before loading the model.
(batch: Sequence[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], model: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, inference_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) → Iterable[apache_beam.ml.inference.base.PredictionResult][source]¶ Runs inferences on a batch of pandas dataframes.
Parameters: - batch – A sequence of examples as numpy arrays. They should be single examples.
- model – A dataframe model or pipeline. Must implement predict(X). Where the parameter X is a pandas dataframe.
- inference_args – Any additional arguments for an inference.
Returns: An Iterable of type PredictionResult.
(batch: Sequence[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]) → int[source]¶ Returns: The number of bytes of data for a batch.