Source code for apache_beam.transforms.external_transform_provider

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import logging
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from inspect import Parameter
from inspect import Signature
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple

from apache_beam.transforms import PTransform
from apache_beam.transforms.external import BeamJarExpansionService
from apache_beam.transforms.external import SchemaAwareExternalTransform
from apache_beam.transforms.external import SchemaTransformsConfig
from apache_beam.typehints.schemas import named_tuple_to_schema
from apache_beam.typehints.schemas import typing_from_runner_api

__all__ = ['ExternalTransform', 'ExternalTransformProvider']

def snake_case_to_upper_camel_case(string):
  """Convert snake_case to UpperCamelCase"""
  components = string.split('_')
  output = ''.join(n.capitalize() for n in components)
  return output

# Information regarding a Wrapper parameter.
ParamInfo = namedtuple('ParamInfo', ['type', 'description', 'original_name'])

def get_config_with_descriptions(
    schematransform: SchemaTransformsConfig) -> Dict[str, ParamInfo]:
  # Prepare a configuration schema that includes types and descriptions
  schema = named_tuple_to_schema(schematransform.configuration_schema)
  descriptions = schematransform.configuration_schema._field_descriptions
  fields_with_descriptions = {}
  for field in schema.fields:
    fields_with_descriptions[] = ParamInfo(

  return fields_with_descriptions

def _generate_signature(schematransform: SchemaTransformsConfig) -> Signature:
  schema = named_tuple_to_schema(schematransform.configuration_schema)
  descriptions = schematransform.configuration_schema._field_descriptions
  params: List[Parameter] = []
  for field in schema.fields:
    annotation = str(typing_from_runner_api(field.type))
    description = descriptions[]
    if description:
      annotation = annotation + f": {description}"
  , Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, annotation=annotation))

  return Signature(params)

[docs] class ExternalTransform(PTransform): """Template for a wrapper class of an external SchemaTransform This is a superclass for dynamically generated SchemaTransform wrappers and is not meant to be manually instantiated. Experimental; no backwards compatibility guarantees.""" # These attributes need to be set when # creating an ExternalTransform type default_expansion_service = None identifier: str = "" configuration_schema: Dict[str, ParamInfo] = {} def __init__(self, expansion_service=None, **kwargs): self._kwargs = kwargs self._expansion_service = \ expansion_service or self.default_expansion_service
[docs] def expand(self, input): external_schematransform = SchemaAwareExternalTransform( identifier=self.identifier, expansion_service=self._expansion_service, rearrange_based_on_discovery=True, **self._kwargs) return input | external_schematransform
STANDARD_URN_PATTERN = r"^beam:schematransform:org.apache.beam:([\w-]+):(\w+)$" def infer_name_from_identifier(identifier: str, pattern: str): """Infer a class name from an identifier, adhering to the input pattern""" match = re.match(pattern, identifier) if not match: return None groups = match.groups() components = [snake_case_to_upper_camel_case(n) for n in groups] # Special handling for standard SchemaTransform identifiers: # We don't include the version number if it's the first version if (pattern == STANDARD_URN_PATTERN and components[1].lower() == 'v1'): return components[0] else: return ''.join(components)
[docs] class ExternalTransformProvider: """Dynamically discovers Schema-aware external transforms from a given list of expansion services and provides them as ready PTransforms. A :class:`ExternalTransform` subclass is generated for each external transform, and is named based on what can be inferred from the URN (see the `urn_pattern` parameter). These classes are generated when :class:`ExternalTransformProvider` is initialized. We need to give it one or more expansion service addresses that are already up and running: >>> provider = ExternalTransformProvider(["localhost:12345", ... "localhost:12121"]) We can also give it the gradle target of a standard Beam expansion service: >>> provider = ExternalTransform(BeamJarExpansionService( ... "sdks:java:io:google-cloud-platform:expansion-service:shadowJar")) Let's take a look at the output of :func:`get_available()` to know the available transforms in the expansion service(s) we provided: >>> provider.get_available() [('JdbcWrite', 'beam:schematransform:org.apache.beam:jdbc_write:v1'), ('BigtableRead', 'beam:schematransform:org.apache.beam:bigtable_read:v1'), ...] Then retrieve a transform by :func:`get()`, :func:`get_urn()`, or by directly accessing it as an attribute of :class:`ExternalTransformProvider`. All of the following commands do the same thing: >>> provider.get('BigqueryStorageRead') >>> provider.get_urn( ... 'beam:schematransform:org.apache.beam:bigquery_storage_read:v1') >>> provider.BigqueryStorageRead You can inspect the transform's documentation to know more about it. This returns some documentation only IF the underlying SchemaTransform implementation provides any. >>> import inspect >>> inspect.getdoc(provider.BigqueryStorageRead) Similarly, you can inspect the transform's signature to know more about its parameters, including their names, types, and any documentation that the underlying SchemaTransform may provide: >>> inspect.signature(provider.BigqueryStorageRead) (query: 'typing.Union[str, NoneType]: The SQL query to be executed to...', row_restriction: 'typing.Union[str, NoneType]: Read only rows that match...', selected_fields: 'typing.Union[typing.Sequence[str], NoneType]: Read ...', table_spec: 'typing.Union[str, NoneType]: The fully-qualified name of ...') The retrieved external transform can be used as a normal PTransform like so:: with Pipeline() as p: _ = (p | 'Read from BigQuery` >> provider.BigqueryStorageRead( query=query, row_restriction=restriction) | 'Some processing' >> beam.Map(...)) Experimental; no backwards compatibility guarantees. """ def __init__(self, expansion_services, urn_pattern=STANDARD_URN_PATTERN): f"""Initialize an ExternalTransformProvider :param expansion_services: A list of expansion services to discover transforms from. Supported forms: * a string representing the expansion service address * a :attr:`BeamJarExpansionService` pointing to a gradle target :param urn_pattern: The regular expression used to match valid transforms. In addition to validating, the captured groups are used to infer a name for each class. By default, the following pattern is used: [{STANDARD_URN_PATTERN}] """ self._urn_pattern = urn_pattern self._transforms: Dict[str, type(ExternalTransform)] = {} self._name_to_urn: Dict[str, str] = {} if isinstance(expansion_services, set): expansion_services = list(expansion_services) if not isinstance(expansion_services, list): expansion_services = [expansion_services] self.expansion_services = expansion_services self._create_wrappers() def _create_wrappers(self): # multiple services can overlap and include the same URNs. If this happens, # we prioritize by the order of services in the list identifiers = set() for service in self.expansion_services: target = service if isinstance(service, BeamJarExpansionService): target = service.gradle_target try: schematransform_configs = except Exception as e: logging.exception( "Encountered an error while discovering expansion service %s:\n%s", target, e) continue skipped_urns = [] for config in schematransform_configs: identifier = config.identifier if identifier not in identifiers: identifiers.add(identifier) name = infer_name_from_identifier(identifier, self._urn_pattern) if name is None: skipped_urns.append(identifier) continue transform = type( name, (ExternalTransform, ), dict( identifier=identifier, default_expansion_service=service, schematransform=config, # configuration_schema is used by the auto-wrapper generator configuration_schema=get_config_with_descriptions(config))) transform.__doc__ = config.description transform.__signature__ = _generate_signature(config) self._transforms[identifier] = transform self._name_to_urn[name] = identifier if skipped_urns: "Skipped URN(s) in %s that don't follow the pattern \"%s\": %s", target, self._urn_pattern, skipped_urns) for transform in self._transforms.values(): setattr(self, transform.__name__, transform)
[docs] def get_available(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Get a list of available ExternalTransform names and identifiers""" return list(self._name_to_urn.items())
[docs] def get_all(self) -> Dict[str, ExternalTransform]: """Get all ExternalTransform""" return self._transforms
[docs] def get(self, name) -> ExternalTransform: """Get an ExternalTransform by its inferred class name""" return self._transforms[self._name_to_urn[name]]
[docs] def get_urn(self, identifier) -> ExternalTransform: """Get an ExternalTransform by its SchemaTransform identifier""" return self._transforms[identifier]