apache_beam.transforms.external_transform_provider module

class apache_beam.transforms.external_transform_provider.ExternalTransform(expansion_service=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: PTransform

Template for a wrapper class of an external SchemaTransform

This is a superclass for dynamically generated SchemaTransform wrappers and is not meant to be manually instantiated.

Experimental; no backwards compatibility guarantees.

default_expansion_service = None
identifier: str = ''
configuration_schema: Dict[str, ParamInfo] = {}
class apache_beam.transforms.external_transform_provider.ExternalTransformProvider(expansion_services, urn_pattern='^beam:schematransform:org.apache.beam:([\\w-]+):(\\w+)$')[source]

Bases: object

Dynamically discovers Schema-aware external transforms from a given list of expansion services and provides them as ready PTransforms.

A ExternalTransform subclass is generated for each external transform, and is named based on what can be inferred from the URN (see the urn_pattern parameter).

These classes are generated when ExternalTransformProvider is initialized. We need to give it one or more expansion service addresses that are already up and running: >>> provider = ExternalTransformProvider([“localhost:12345”, … “localhost:12121”]) We can also give it the gradle target of a standard Beam expansion service: >>> provider = ExternalTransform(BeamJarExpansionService( … “sdks:java:io:google-cloud-platform:expansion-service:shadowJar”)) Let’s take a look at the output of get_available() to know the available transforms in the expansion service(s) we provided: >>> provider.get_available() [(‘JdbcWrite’, ‘beam:schematransform:org.apache.beam:jdbc_write:v1’), (‘BigtableRead’, ‘beam:schematransform:org.apache.beam:bigtable_read:v1’), …]

Then retrieve a transform by get(), get_urn(), or by directly accessing it as an attribute of ExternalTransformProvider. All of the following commands do the same thing: >>> provider.get(‘BigqueryStorageRead’) >>> provider.get_urn( … ‘beam:schematransform:org.apache.beam:bigquery_storage_read:v1’) >>> provider.BigqueryStorageRead

You can inspect the transform’s documentation to know more about it. This returns some documentation only IF the underlying SchemaTransform implementation provides any. >>> import inspect >>> inspect.getdoc(provider.BigqueryStorageRead)

Similarly, you can inspect the transform’s signature to know more about its parameters, including their names, types, and any documentation that the underlying SchemaTransform may provide: >>> inspect.signature(provider.BigqueryStorageRead) (query: ‘typing.Union[str, NoneType]: The SQL query to be executed to…’, row_restriction: ‘typing.Union[str, NoneType]: Read only rows that match…’, selected_fields: ‘typing.Union[typing.Sequence[str], NoneType]: Read …’, table_spec: ‘typing.Union[str, NoneType]: The fully-qualified name of …’)

The retrieved external transform can be used as a normal PTransform like so:

with Pipeline() as p:
  _ = (p
    | 'Read from BigQuery` >> provider.BigqueryStorageRead(
    | 'Some processing' >> beam.Map(...))

Experimental; no backwards compatibility guarantees.

get_available() List[Tuple[str, str]][source]

Get a list of available ExternalTransform names and identifiers

get_all() Dict[str, ExternalTransform][source]

Get all ExternalTransform

get(name) ExternalTransform[source]

Get an ExternalTransform by its inferred class name

get_urn(identifier) ExternalTransform[source]

Get an ExternalTransform by its SchemaTransform identifier