apache_beam.transforms.deduplicate module

a collection of ptransforms for deduplicating elements.

class apache_beam.transforms.deduplicate.Deduplicate(processing_time_duration=None, event_time_duration=None)[source]

Bases: PTransform

Similar to DeduplicatePerKey, the Deduplicate transform takes any arbitrary value as input and uses value as key to deduplicate among certain amount of time duration.

class apache_beam.transforms.deduplicate.DeduplicatePerKey(processing_time_duration=None, event_time_duration=None)[source]

Bases: PTransform

A PTransform which deduplicates <key, value> pair over a time domain and threshold. Values in different windows will NOT be considered duplicates of each other. Deduplication is guaranteed with respect of time domain and duration.

Time durations are required so as to avoid unbounded memory and/or storage requirements within a runner and care might need to be used to ensure that the deduplication time limit is long enough to remove duplicates but short enough to not cause performance problems within a runner. Each runner may provide an optimized implementation of their choice using the deduplication time domain and threshold specified.

Does not preserve any order the input PCollection might have had.
