apache_beam.transforms.xlang.io module

Cross-language transforms in this module can be imported from the apache_beam.io package.

class apache_beam.transforms.xlang.io.GenerateSequence(start, end=None, rate=None, expansion_service=None)[source]

Bases: ExternalTransform

Outputs a PCollection of Beam Rows, each containing a single INT64 number called “value”. The count is produced from the given “start” value and either up to the given “end” or until 2^63 - 1. To produce an unbounded PCollection, simply do not specify an “end” value. Unbounded sequences can specify a “rate” for output elements. In all cases, the sequence of numbers is generated in parallel, so there is no inherent ordering between the generated values

  • start – (numpy.int64) The minimum number to generate (inclusive).

  • end – (numpy.int64) The maximum number to generate (exclusive). Will be an unbounded sequence if left unspecified.

  • rate – (Row(elements=<class ‘numpy.int64’>, seconds=typing.Optional[numpy.int64])) Specifies the rate to generate a given number of elements per a given number of seconds. Applicable only to unbounded sequences.

identifier: str = 'beam:schematransform:org.apache.beam:generate_sequence:v1'