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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import json
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Literal
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import Optional
from typing import Type
from typing import Union

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.coders import registry
from apache_beam.coders.row_coder import RowCoder
from import WriteToJdbc
from import VectorDatabaseWriteConfig
from import Chunk

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class AlloyDBConnectionConfig: """Configuration for AlloyDB database connection. Provides connection details and options for connecting to an AlloyDB instance. Attributes: jdbc_url: JDBC URL for the AlloyDB instance. Example: 'jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database' username: Database username. password: Database password. connection_properties: Optional JDBC connection properties dict. Example: {'ssl': 'true'} connection_init_sqls: Optional list of SQL statements to execute when connection is established. autosharding: Enable automatic re-sharding of bundles to scale the number of shards with workers. max_connections: Optional number of connections in the pool. Use negative for no limit. write_batch_size: Optional write batch size for bulk operations. Example: >>> config = AlloyDBConnectionConfig( ... jdbc_url='jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb', ... username='user', ... password='pass', ... connection_properties={'ssl': 'true'}, ... max_connections=10 ... ) """ jdbc_url: str username: str password: str connection_properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None connection_init_sqls: Optional[List[str]] = None autosharding: Optional[bool] = None max_connections: Optional[int] = None write_batch_size: Optional[int] = None
[docs] @dataclass class ConflictResolution: """Specification for how to handle conflicts during insert. Configures conflict handling behavior when inserting records that may violate unique constraints. Attributes: on_conflict_fields: Field(s) that determine uniqueness. Can be a single field name or list of field names for composite constraints. action: How to handle conflicts - either "UPDATE" or "IGNORE". UPDATE: Updates existing record with new values. IGNORE: Skips conflicting records. update_fields: Optional list of fields to update on conflict. If None, all non-conflict fields are updated. Examples: Simple primary key: >>> ConflictResolution("id") Composite key with specific update fields: >>> ConflictResolution( ... on_conflict_fields=["source", "timestamp"], ... action="UPDATE", ... update_fields=["embedding", "content"] ... ) Ignore conflicts: >>> ConflictResolution( ... on_conflict_fields="id", ... action="IGNORE" ... ) """ on_conflict_fields: Union[str, List[str]] action: Literal["UPDATE", "IGNORE"] = "UPDATE" update_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None
[docs] def maybe_set_default_update_fields(self, columns: List[str]): if self.action != "UPDATE": return if self.update_fields is not None: return conflict_fields = ([self.on_conflict_fields] if isinstance( self.on_conflict_fields, str) else self.on_conflict_fields) self.conflict_resolution.update_fields = [ col for col in columns if col not in conflict_fields ]
[docs] def get_conflict_clause(self) -> str: """Get conflict clause with update fields.""" conflict_fields = [self.on_conflict_fields] \ if isinstance(self.on_conflict_fields, str) \ else self.on_conflict_fields if self.action == "IGNORE": conflict_fields_string = f"({', '.join(conflict_fields)})" \ if len(conflict_fields) > 0 else "" return f"ON CONFLICT {conflict_fields_string} DO NOTHING" # update_fields should be set by query builder before this is called assert self.update_fields is not None, \ "update_fields must be set before generating conflict clause" updates = [f"{field} = EXCLUDED.{field}" for field in self.update_fields] return f"ON CONFLICT " \ f"({', '.join(conflict_fields)}) DO UPDATE SET {', '.join(updates)}"
[docs] def chunk_embedding_fn(chunk: Chunk) -> str: """Convert embedding to PostgreSQL array string. Formats dense embedding as a PostgreSQL-compatible array string. Example: [1.0, 2.0] -> '{1.0,2.0}' Args: chunk: Input Chunk object. Returns: str: PostgreSQL array string representation of the embedding. Raises: ValueError: If chunk has no dense embedding. """ if chunk.embedding is None or chunk.embedding.dense_embedding is None: raise ValueError(f'Expected chunk to contain embedding. {chunk}') return '{' + ','.join(str(x) for x in chunk.embedding.dense_embedding) + '}'
[docs] def chunk_content_fn(chunk: Chunk) -> str: """Extract content text from chunk. Args: chunk: Input Chunk object. Returns: str: The chunk's content text. """ if chunk.content.text is None: raise ValueError(f'Expected chunk to contain content. {chunk}') return chunk.content.text
[docs] def chunk_metadata_fn(chunk: Chunk) -> str: """Extract metadata from chunk as JSON string. Args: chunk: Input Chunk object. Returns: str: JSON string representation of the chunk's metadata. """ return json.dumps(chunk.metadata)
[docs] @dataclass class ColumnSpec: """Specification for mapping Chunk fields to SQL columns for insertion. Defines how to extract and format values from Chunks into database columns, handling the full pipeline from Python value to SQL insertion. The insertion process works as follows: - value_fn extracts a value from the Chunk and formats it as needed - The value is stored in a NamedTuple field with the specified python_type - During SQL insertion, the value is bound to a ? placeholder Attributes: column_name: The column name in the database table. python_type: Python type for the NamedTuple field that will hold the value. Must be compatible with must be compatible with :class:`~apache_beam.coders.row_coder.RowCoder`. value_fn: Function to extract and format the value from a Chunk. Takes a Chunk and returns a value of python_type. sql_typecast: Optional SQL type cast to append to the ? placeholder. Common examples: - "::float[]" for vector arrays - "::jsonb" for JSON data Examples: Basic text column (uses standard JDBC type mapping): >>> ColumnSpec.text( ... column_name="content", ... value_fn=lambda chunk: chunk.content.text ... ) # Results in: INSERT INTO table (content) VALUES (?) Vector column with explicit array casting: >>> ColumnSpec.vector( ... column_name="embedding", ... value_fn=lambda chunk: '{' + ... ','.join(map(str, chunk.embedding.dense_embedding)) + '}' ... ) # Results in: INSERT INTO table (embedding) VALUES (?::float[]) # The value_fn formats [1.0, 2.0] as '{1.0,2.0}' for PostgreSQL array Timestamp from metadata with explicit casting: >>> ColumnSpec( ... column_name="created_at", ... python_type=str, ... value_fn=lambda chunk: chunk.metadata.get("timestamp"), ... sql_typecast="::timestamp" ... ) # Results in: INSERT INTO table (created_at) VALUES (?::timestamp) # Allows inserting string timestamps with proper PostgreSQL casting Factory Methods: text: Creates a text column specification (no type cast). integer: Creates an integer column specification (no type cast). float: Creates a float column specification (no type cast). vector: Creates a vector column specification with float[] casting. jsonb: Creates a JSONB column specification with jsonb casting. """ column_name: str python_type: Type value_fn: Callable[[Chunk], Any] sql_typecast: Optional[str] = None @property def placeholder(self) -> str: """Get SQL placeholder with optional typecast.""" return f"?{self.sql_typecast or ''}"
[docs] @classmethod def text( cls, column_name: str, value_fn: Callable[[Chunk], Any]) -> 'ColumnSpec': """Create a text column specification.""" return cls(column_name, str, value_fn)
[docs] @classmethod def integer( cls, column_name: str, value_fn: Callable[[Chunk], Any]) -> 'ColumnSpec': """Create an integer column specification.""" return cls(column_name, int, value_fn)
[docs] @classmethod def float( cls, column_name: str, value_fn: Callable[[Chunk], Any]) -> 'ColumnSpec': """Create a float column specification.""" return cls(column_name, float, value_fn)
[docs] @classmethod def vector( cls, column_name: str, value_fn: Callable[[Chunk], Any] = chunk_embedding_fn) -> 'ColumnSpec': """Create a vector column specification.""" return cls(column_name, str, value_fn, "::float[]")
[docs] @classmethod def jsonb( cls, column_name: str, value_fn: Callable[[Chunk], Any]) -> 'ColumnSpec': """Create a JSONB column specification.""" return cls(column_name, str, value_fn, "::jsonb")
MetadataSpec = Union[ColumnSpec, Dict[str, ColumnSpec]]
[docs] def chunk_id_fn(chunk: Chunk) -> str: """Extract ID from chunk. Args: chunk: Input Chunk object. Returns: str: The chunk's ID. """ return
class _AlloyDBQueryBuilder: def __init__( self, table_name: str, *, column_specs: List[ColumnSpec], conflict_resolution: Optional[ConflictResolution] = None): """Builds SQL queries for writing Chunks with Embeddings to AlloyDB. """ self.table_name = table_name self.column_specs = column_specs self.conflict_resolution = conflict_resolution # Validate no duplicate column names names = [col.column_name for col in self.column_specs] duplicates = set(name for name in names if names.count(name) > 1) if duplicates: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate column names found: {duplicates}") # Create NamedTuple type fields = [(col.column_name, col.python_type) for col in self.column_specs] type_name = f"VectorRecord_{table_name}" self.record_type = NamedTuple(type_name, fields) # type: ignore # Register coder registry.register_coder(self.record_type, RowCoder) # Set default update fields to all non-conflict fields if update fields are # not specified if self.conflict_resolution: self.conflict_resolution.maybe_set_default_update_fields( [col.column_name for col in self.column_specs if col.column_name]) def build_insert(self) -> str: """Build INSERT query with proper type casting.""" # Get column names and placeholders fields = [col.column_name for col in self.column_specs] placeholders = [col.placeholder for col in self.column_specs] # Build base query query = f""" INSERT INTO {self.table_name} ({', '.join(fields)}) VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)}) """ # Add conflict handling if configured if self.conflict_resolution: query += f" {self.conflict_resolution.get_conflict_clause()}""Query with placeholders %s", query) return query def create_converter(self) -> Callable[[Chunk], NamedTuple]: """Creates a function to convert Chunks to records.""" def convert(chunk: Chunk) -> self.record_type: # type: ignore return self.record_type( **{col.column_name: col.value_fn(chunk) for col in self.column_specs}) # type: ignore return convert
[docs] class ColumnSpecsBuilder: """Builder for :class:`.ColumnSpec`'s with chainable methods.""" def __init__(self): self._specs: List[ColumnSpec] = []
[docs] @staticmethod def with_defaults() -> 'ColumnSpecsBuilder': """Add all default column specifications.""" return ( ColumnSpecsBuilder().with_id_spec().with_embedding_spec(). with_content_spec().with_metadata_spec())
[docs] def with_id_spec( self, column_name: str = "id", python_type: Type = str, convert_fn: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]] = None, sql_typecast: Optional[str] = None) -> 'ColumnSpecsBuilder': """Add ID :class:`.ColumnSpec` with optional type and conversion. Args: column_name: Name for the ID column (defaults to "id") python_type: Python type for the column (defaults to str) convert_fn: Optional function to convert the chunk ID If None, uses ID as-is sql_typecast: Optional SQL type cast Returns: Self for method chaining Example: >>> builder.with_id_spec( ... column_name="doc_id", ... python_type=int, ... convert_fn=lambda id: int(id.split('_')[1]) ... ) """ def value_fn(chunk: Chunk) -> Any: value = return convert_fn(value) if convert_fn else value self._specs.append( ColumnSpec( column_name=column_name, python_type=python_type, value_fn=value_fn, sql_typecast=sql_typecast)) return self
[docs] def with_content_spec( self, column_name: str = "content", python_type: Type = str, convert_fn: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]] = None, sql_typecast: Optional[str] = None) -> 'ColumnSpecsBuilder': """Add content :class:`.ColumnSpec` with optional type and conversion. Args: column_name: Name for the content column (defaults to "content") python_type: Python type for the column (defaults to str) convert_fn: Optional function to convert the content text If None, uses content text as-is sql_typecast: Optional SQL type cast Returns: Self for method chaining Example: >>> builder.with_content_spec( ... column_name="content_length", ... python_type=int, ... convert_fn=len # Store content length instead of content ... ) """ def value_fn(chunk: Chunk) -> Any: if chunk.content.text is None: raise ValueError(f'Expected chunk to contain content. {chunk}') value = chunk.content.text return convert_fn(value) if convert_fn else value self._specs.append( ColumnSpec( column_name=column_name, python_type=python_type, value_fn=value_fn, sql_typecast=sql_typecast)) return self
[docs] def with_metadata_spec( self, column_name: str = "metadata", python_type: Type = str, convert_fn: Optional[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Any]] = None, sql_typecast: Optional[str] = "::jsonb") -> 'ColumnSpecsBuilder': """Add metadata :class:`.ColumnSpec` with optional type and conversion. Args: column_name: Name for the metadata column (defaults to "metadata") python_type: Python type for the column (defaults to str) convert_fn: Optional function to convert the metadata dictionary If None and python_type is str, converts to JSON string sql_typecast: Optional SQL type cast (defaults to "::jsonb") Returns: Self for method chaining Example: >>> builder.with_metadata_spec( ... column_name="meta_tags", ... python_type=list, ... convert_fn=lambda meta: list(meta.keys()), ... sql_typecast="::text[]" ... ) """ def value_fn(chunk: Chunk) -> Any: if convert_fn: return convert_fn(chunk.metadata) return json.dumps( chunk.metadata) if python_type == str else chunk.metadata self._specs.append( ColumnSpec( column_name=column_name, python_type=python_type, value_fn=value_fn, sql_typecast=sql_typecast)) return self
[docs] def with_embedding_spec( self, column_name: str = "embedding", convert_fn: Optional[Callable[[List[float]], Any]] = None ) -> 'ColumnSpecsBuilder': """Add embedding :class:`.ColumnSpec` with optional conversion. Args: column_name: Name for the embedding column (defaults to "embedding") convert_fn: Optional function to convert the dense embedding values If None, uses default PostgreSQL array format Returns: Self for method chaining Example: >>> builder.with_embedding_spec( ... column_name="embedding_vector", ... convert_fn=lambda values: '{' + ','.join(f"{x:.4f}" ... for x in values) + '}' ... ) """ def value_fn(chunk: Chunk) -> Any: if chunk.embedding is None or chunk.embedding.dense_embedding is None: raise ValueError(f'Expected chunk to contain embedding. {chunk}') values = chunk.embedding.dense_embedding if convert_fn: return convert_fn(values) return '{' + ','.join(str(x) for x in values) + '}' self._specs.append( ColumnSpec.vector(column_name=column_name, value_fn=value_fn)) return self
[docs] def add_metadata_field( self, field: str, python_type: Type, column_name: Optional[str] = None, convert_fn: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, default: Any = None, sql_typecast: Optional[str] = None) -> 'ColumnSpecsBuilder': """""Add a :class:`.ColumnSpec` that extracts and converts a field from chunk metadata. Args: field: Key to extract from chunk metadata python_type: Python type for the column (e.g. str, int, float) column_name: Name for the column (defaults to metadata field name) convert_fn: Optional function to convert the extracted value to desired type. If None, value is used as-is default: Default value if field is missing from metadata sql_typecast: Optional SQL type cast (e.g. "::timestamp") Returns: Self for chaining Examples: Simple string field: >>> builder.add_metadata_field("source", str) Integer with default: >>> builder.add_metadata_field( ... field="count", ... python_type=int, ... column_name="item_count", ... default=0 ... ) Float with conversion and default: >>> builder.add_metadata_field( ... field="confidence", ... python_type=intfloat, ... convert_fn=lambda x: round(float(x), 2), ... default=0.0 ... ) Timestamp with conversion and type cast: >>> builder.add_metadata_field( ... field="created_at", ... python_type=intstr, ... convert_fn=lambda ts: ts.replace('T', ' '), ... sql_typecast="::timestamp" ... ) """ name = column_name or field def value_fn(chunk: Chunk) -> Any: value = chunk.metadata.get(field, default) if value is not None and convert_fn is not None: value = convert_fn(value) return value spec = ColumnSpec( column_name=name, python_type=python_type, value_fn=value_fn, sql_typecast=sql_typecast) self._specs.append(spec) return self
[docs] def add_custom_column_spec(self, spec: ColumnSpec) -> 'ColumnSpecsBuilder': """Add a custom :class:`.ColumnSpec` to the builder. Use this method when you need complete control over the :class:`.ColumnSpec` , including custom value extraction and type handling. Args: spec: A :class:`.ColumnSpec` instance defining the column name, type, value extraction, and optional SQL type casting. Returns: Self for method chaining Examples: Custom text column from chunk metadata: >>> builder.add_custom_column_spec( ... ColumnSpec.text( ... name="source_and_id", ... value_fn=lambda chunk: \ ... f"{chunk.metadata.get('source')}_{}" ... ) ... ) """ self._specs.append(spec) return self
[docs] def build(self) -> List[ColumnSpec]: """Build the final list of column specifications.""" return self._specs.copy()
[docs] class AlloyDBVectorWriterConfig(VectorDatabaseWriteConfig): def __init__( self, connection_config: AlloyDBConnectionConfig, table_name: str, *, # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value column_specs: List[ColumnSpec] = ColumnSpecsBuilder.with_defaults().build( ), conflict_resolution: Optional[ConflictResolution] = ConflictResolution( on_conflict_fields=[], action='IGNORE')): """Configuration for writing vectors to AlloyDB using managed transforms. Supports flexible schema configuration through column specifications and conflict resolution strategies. Args: connection_config: AlloyDB connection configuration. table_name: Target table name. column_specs: Column specifications. If None, uses default Chunk schema. Use ColumnSpecsBuilder to construct the specifications. conflict_resolution: Optional strategy for handling insert conflicts. ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING by default. Examples: Basic usage with default schema: >>> config = AlloyDBVectorWriterConfig( ... connection_config=AlloyDBConnectionConfig(...), ... table_name='embeddings' ... ) Custom schema with metadata fields: >>> specs = (ColumnSpecsBuilder() ... .with_id_spec() ... .with_embedding_spec(column_name="embedding_vec") ... .add_metadata_field("source") ... .add_metadata_field( ... "timestamp", ... column_name="created_at", ... sql_typecast="::timestamp" ... ) ... .build()) >>> config = AlloyDBVectorWriterConfig( ... connection_config=AlloyDBConnectionConfig(...), ... table_name='embeddings', ... column_specs=specs ... ) """ self.connection_config = connection_config # NamedTuple is created and registered here during pipeline construction self.query_builder = _AlloyDBQueryBuilder( table_name, column_specs=column_specs, conflict_resolution=conflict_resolution)
[docs] def create_write_transform(self) -> beam.PTransform: return _WriteToAlloyDBVectorDatabase(self)
class _WriteToAlloyDBVectorDatabase(beam.PTransform): """Implementation of BigQuery vector database write. """ def __init__(self, config: AlloyDBVectorWriterConfig): self.config = config def expand(self, pcoll: beam.PCollection[Chunk]): return ( pcoll | "Convert to Records" >> beam.Map( self.config.query_builder.create_converter()) | "Write to AlloyDB" >> WriteToJdbc( table_name=self.config.query_builder.table_name, driver_class_name="org.postgresql.Driver", jdbc_url=self.config.connection_config.jdbc_url, username=self.config.connection_config.username, password=self.config.connection_config.password, statement=self.config.query_builder.build_insert()))