Source code for apache_beam.transforms.enrichment_handlers.feast_feature_store

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional

import apache_beam as beam
from import FileSystems
from apache_beam.transforms.enrichment import EnrichmentSourceHandler
from apache_beam.transforms.enrichment_handlers.utils import ExceptionLevel
from feast import FeatureStore

__all__ = [

EntityRowFn = Callable[[beam.Row], Mapping[str, Any]]

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


def download_fs_yaml_file(gcs_fs_yaml_file: str):
  """Download the feature store config file for Feast."""
    with, 'r') as gcs_file:
      with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=LOCAL_FEATURE_STORE_YAML_FILENAME,
                                       delete=False) as local_file:
        return Path(
  except Exception:
    raise RuntimeError(
        'error downloading the file %s locally to load the '
        'Feast feature store.' % gcs_fs_yaml_file)

def _validate_feature_names(feature_names, feature_service_name):
  """Check if one of `feature_names` or `feature_service_name` is provided."""
  if ((not feature_names and not feature_service_name) or
      bool(feature_names and feature_service_name)):
    raise ValueError(
        'Please provide exactly one of a list of feature names to fetch '
        'from online store (`feature_names`) or a feature service name for '
        'the Feast online feature store (`feature_service_name`).')

def _validate_feature_store_yaml_path_exists(fs_yaml_file):
  """Check if the feature store yaml path exists."""
  if not FileSystems.exists(fs_yaml_file):
    raise ValueError(
        'The feature store yaml path (%s) does not exist.' % fs_yaml_file)

def _validate_entity_key_exists(entity_id, entity_row_fn):
  """Checks if the entity key or a lambda to build entity key exists."""
  if ((not entity_row_fn and not entity_id) or
      bool(entity_row_fn and entity_id)):
    raise ValueError(
        "Please specify exactly one of a `entity_id` or a lambda "
        "function with `entity_row_fn` to extract the entity id "
        "from the input row.")

[docs]class FeastFeatureStoreEnrichmentHandler(EnrichmentSourceHandler[beam.Row, beam.Row]): """Enrichment handler to interact with the Feast feature store. To specify the features to fetch from Feast online store, please specify exactly one of `feature_names` or `feature_service_name`. Use this handler with :class:`apache_beam.transforms.enrichment.Enrichment` transform. To filter the features to enrich, use the `join_fn` param in :class:`apache_beam.transforms.enrichment.Enrichment`. """ def __init__( self, feature_store_yaml_path: str, feature_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, feature_service_name: Optional[str] = "", full_feature_names: Optional[bool] = False, entity_id: str = "", *, entity_row_fn: Optional[EntityRowFn] = None, exception_level: ExceptionLevel = ExceptionLevel.WARN, ): """Initializes an instance of `FeastFeatureStoreEnrichmentHandler`. Args: feature_store_yaml_path (str): The path to a YAML configuration file for the Feast feature store. See for configuration options supported by Feast. feature_names: A list of feature names to be retrieved from the online Feast feature store. feature_service_name (str): The name of the feature service containing the features to fetch from the online Feast feature store. full_feature_names (bool): Whether to use full feature names (including namespaces, etc.). Defaults to False. entity_id (str): entity name for the entity associated with the features. The `entity_id` is used to extract the entity value from the input row. Please provide exactly one of `entity_id` or `entity_row_fn`. entity_row_fn: a lambda function that takes an input `beam.Row` and returns a dictionary with a mapping from the entity key column name to entity key value. It is used to build/extract the entity dict for feature retrieval. Please provide exactly one of `entity_id` or `entity_row_fn`. See for more information. exception_level: a `enum.Enum` value from `apache_beam.transforms.enrichment_handlers.utils.ExceptionLevel` to set the level when `None` feature values are fetched from the online Feast store. Defaults to `ExceptionLevel.WARN`. """ self.entity_id = entity_id self.feature_store_yaml_path = feature_store_yaml_path self.feature_names = feature_names self.feature_service_name = feature_service_name self.full_feature_names = full_feature_names self.entity_row_fn = entity_row_fn self._exception_level = exception_level _validate_entity_key_exists(self.entity_id, self.entity_row_fn) _validate_feature_store_yaml_path_exists(self.feature_store_yaml_path) _validate_feature_names(self.feature_names, self.feature_service_name) def __enter__(self): """Connect with the Feast feature store.""" local_repo_path = download_fs_yaml_file(self.feature_store_yaml_path) try: = FeatureStore(fs_yaml_file=local_repo_path) except Exception: raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid feature store yaml file provided. Make sure ' 'the %s contains the valid configuration for Feast feature store.' % self.feature_store_yaml_path) if self.feature_service_name: try: self.features = self.feature_service_name) except Exception: raise RuntimeError( 'Could not find the feature service %s for the feature ' 'store configured in %s.' % (self.feature_service_name, self.feature_store_yaml_path)) else: self.features = self.feature_names def __call__(self, request: beam.Row, *args, **kwargs): """Fetches feature values for an entity-id from the Feast feature store. Args: request: the input `beam.Row` to enrich. """ if self.entity_row_fn: entity_dict = self.entity_row_fn(request) else: request_dict = request._asdict() entity_dict = {self.entity_id: request_dict[self.entity_id]} feature_values = features=self.features, entity_rows=[entity_dict], full_feature_names=self.full_feature_names).to_dict() # get_online_features() returns a list of feature values per entity-id. # Since we do this per entity, the list of feature values only contain # a single element at position 0. response_dict = {k: v[0] for k, v in feature_values.items()} return request, beam.Row(**response_dict) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Clean the instantiated Feast feature store client.""" = None
[docs] def get_cache_key(self, request: beam.Row) -> str: """Returns a string formatted with unique entity-id for the feature values. """ if self.entity_row_fn: entity_dict = self.entity_row_fn(request) entity_id = list(entity_dict.keys())[0] else: entity_id = self.entity_id return 'entity_id: %s' % request._asdict()[entity_id]