# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Defines the actions various bytecodes have on the frame.
Each function here corresponds to a bytecode documented in
https://docs.python.org/2/library/dis.html or
https://docs.python.org/3/library/dis.html. The first argument is a (mutable)
FrameState object, the second the integer opcode argument.
Bytecodes with more complicated behavior (e.g. modifying the program counter)
are handled inline rather than here.
For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
# pytype: skip-file
import inspect
import logging
import sys
import types
from functools import reduce
from apache_beam.typehints import row_type
from apache_beam.typehints import typehints
from apache_beam.typehints.trivial_inference import BoundMethod
from apache_beam.typehints.trivial_inference import Const
from apache_beam.typehints.trivial_inference import element_type
from apache_beam.typehints.trivial_inference import key_value_types
from apache_beam.typehints.trivial_inference import union
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import Any
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import Dict
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import Iterable
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import List
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import Set
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import Tuple
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import Union
# This is missing in the builtin types module. str.upper is arbitrary, any
# method on a C-implemented type will do.
_MethodDescriptorType = type(str.upper)
def pop_one(state, unused_arg):
del state.stack[-1:]
def pop_two(state, unused_arg):
del state.stack[-2:]
def pop_three(state, unused_arg):
del state.stack[-3:]
def push_value(v):
def pusher(state, unused_arg):
return pusher
def nop(unused_state, unused_arg):
resume = nop
def pop_top(state, unused_arg):
def end_for(state, unused_arg):
def end_send(state, unused_arg):
del state.stack[-2]
def copy(state, arg):
def rot_n(state, n):
state.stack[-n:] = [state.stack[-1]] + state.stack[-n:-1]
def rot_two(state, unused_arg):
rot_n(state, 2)
def rot_three(state, unused_arg):
rot_n(state, 3)
def rot_four(state, unused_arg):
rot_n(state, 4)
def dup_top(state, unused_arg):
def unary(state, unused_arg):
state.stack[-1] = Const.unwrap(state.stack[-1])
unary_positive = unary_negative = unary_invert = unary
def unary_not(state, unused_arg):
state.stack[-1] = bool
def unary_convert(state, unused_arg):
state.stack[-1] = str
def get_iter(state, unused_arg):
def symmetric_binary_op(state, unused_arg):
# TODO(robertwb): This may not be entirely correct...
b, a = Const.unwrap(state.stack.pop()), Const.unwrap(state.stack.pop())
if a == b:
elif type(a) == type(b) and isinstance(a, typehints.SequenceTypeConstraint):
state.stack.append(type(a)(union(element_type(a), element_type(b))))
# Except for int ** -int
binary_power = inplace_power = symmetric_binary_op
binary_multiply = inplace_multiply = symmetric_binary_op
binary_divide = inplace_divide = symmetric_binary_op
binary_floor_divide = inplace_floor_divide = symmetric_binary_op
def binary_true_divide(state, unused_arg):
u = union(state.stack.pop(), state.stack.pop)
if u == int:
inplace_true_divide = binary_true_divide
binary_modulo = inplace_modulo = symmetric_binary_op
# TODO(robertwb): Tuple add.
binary_add = inplace_add = symmetric_binary_op
binary_subtract = inplace_subtract = symmetric_binary_op
def binary_subscr(state, unused_arg):
index = state.stack.pop()
base = Const.unwrap(state.stack.pop())
if base is str:
out = base
elif (isinstance(index, Const) and isinstance(index.value, int) and
isinstance(base, typehints.IndexableTypeConstraint)):
out = base._constraint_for_index(index.value)
except IndexError:
out = element_type(base)
elif index == slice and isinstance(base, typehints.IndexableTypeConstraint):
out = base
out = element_type(base)
# As far as types are concerned.
binary_lshift = inplace_lshift = binary_rshift = inplace_rshift = pop_top
binary_and = inplace_and = symmetric_binary_op
binary_xor = inplace_xor = symmetric_binary_op
binary_or = inplace_or = symmetric_binary_op
binary_op = symmetric_binary_op
def store_subscr(unused_state, unused_args):
# TODO(robertwb): Update element/value type of iterable/dict.
def binary_slice(state, args):
_ = state.stack.pop()
_ = state.stack.pop()
base = Const.unwrap(state.stack.pop())
if base is str:
out = base
elif isinstance(base, typehints.IndexableTypeConstraint):
out = base
out = element_type(base)
def store_slice(state, args):
"""Clears elements off the stack like it was constructing a
container, but leaves the container type back at stack[-1]
since that's all that is relevant for type checking.
_ = state.stack.pop() # End
_ = state.stack.pop() # Start
container = state.stack.pop() # Container type
_ = state.stack.pop() # Values that would go in container
print_item = pop_top
print_newline = nop
def list_append(state, arg):
new_element_type = Const.unwrap(state.stack.pop())
state.stack[-arg] = List[union(
element_type(state.stack[-arg]), new_element_type)]
def set_add(state, arg):
new_element_type = Const.unwrap(state.stack.pop())
state.stack[-arg] = Set[union(
element_type(state.stack[-arg]), new_element_type)]
def map_add(state, arg):
# PEP 572 The MAP_ADD expects the value as the first element in the stack
# and the key as the second element.
new_value_type = Const.unwrap(state.stack.pop())
new_key_type = Const.unwrap(state.stack.pop())
state.stack[-arg] = Dict[Union[state.stack[-arg].key_type, new_key_type],
Union[state.stack[-arg].value_type, new_value_type]]
load_locals = push_value(Dict[str, Any])
exec_stmt = pop_three
build_class = pop_three
def unpack_sequence(state, arg):
t = state.stack.pop()
if isinstance(t, Const):
unpacked = [Const(ti) for ti in t.value]
if len(unpacked) != arg:
unpacked = [Any] * arg
except TypeError:
unpacked = [Any] * arg
elif (isinstance(t, typehints.TupleHint.TupleConstraint) and
len(t.tuple_types) == arg):
unpacked = list(t.tuple_types)
unpacked = [element_type(t)] * arg
state.stack += reversed(unpacked)
def dup_topx(state, arg):
state.stack += state[-arg:]
store_attr = pop_two
delete_attr = pop_top
store_global = pop_top
delete_global = nop
def load_const(state, arg):
load_name = push_value(Any)
def build_tuple(state, arg):
if arg == 0:
state.stack[-arg:] = [Tuple[[Const.unwrap(t) for t in state.stack[-arg:]]]]
def build_list(state, arg):
if arg == 0:
state.stack[-arg:] = [List[reduce(union, state.stack[-arg:], Union[()])]]
def build_set(state, arg):
if arg == 0:
state.stack[-arg:] = [Set[reduce(union, state.stack[-arg:], Union[()])]]
# A Dict[Union[], Union[]] is the type of an empty dict.
def build_map(state, arg):
if arg == 0:
state.stack.append(Dict[Union[()], Union[()]])
state.stack[-2 * arg:] = [
Dict[reduce(union, state.stack[-2 * arg::2], Union[()]),
reduce(union, state.stack[-2 * arg + 1::2], Union[()])]
def build_const_key_map(state, arg):
key_tuple = state.stack.pop()
if isinstance(key_tuple, typehints.TupleHint.TupleConstraint):
key_types = key_tuple.tuple_types
elif isinstance(key_tuple, Const):
key_types = [Const(v) for v in key_tuple.value]
key_types = [Any]
state.stack[-arg:] = [
Dict[reduce(union, key_types, Union[()]),
reduce(union, state.stack[-arg:], Union[()])]
def list_to_tuple(state, arg):
base = state.stack.pop()
state.stack.append(Tuple[element_type(base), ...])
def list_extend(state, arg):
tail = state.stack.pop()
base = state.stack[-arg]
state.stack[-arg] = List[union(element_type(base), element_type(tail))]
def set_update(state, arg):
other = state.stack.pop()
base = state.stack[-arg]
state.stack[-arg] = Set[union(element_type(base), element_type(other))]
def dict_update(state, arg):
other = state.stack.pop()
base = state.stack[-arg]
if isinstance(base, typehints.Dict.DictConstraint):
base_key_type = base.key_type
base_value_type = base.value_type
base_key_type = Any
base_value_type = Any
if isinstance(other, typehints.Dict.DictConstraint):
other_key_type = other.key_type
other_value_type = other.value_type
other_key_type, other_value_type = key_value_types(element_type(other))
state.stack[-arg] = Dict[union(base_key_type, other_key_type),
union(base_value_type, other_value_type)]
dict_merge = dict_update
def load_attr(state, arg):
"""Replaces the top of the stack, TOS, with
getattr(TOS, co_names[arg])
Will replace with Any for builtin methods, but these don't have bytecode in
CPython so that's okay.
if (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) >= (3, 12):
# Load attribute's arg was bit-shifted in 3.12 to also allow for
# adding extra information to the stack based on the lower byte,
# so we have to adjust it back.
# See https://docs.python.org/3/library/dis.html#opcode-LOAD_ATTR
# for more information.
arg = arg >> 1
o = state.stack.pop()
name = state.get_name(arg)
state.stack.append(_getattr(o, name))
def _getattr(o, name):
if isinstance(o, Const) and hasattr(o.value, name):
return Const(getattr(o.value, name))
elif (inspect.isclass(o) and
isinstance(getattr(o, name, None),
(types.MethodType, types.FunctionType))):
# TODO(luke-zhu): Support other callable objects
func = getattr(o, name) # Python 3 has no unbound methods
return Const(BoundMethod(func, o))
elif isinstance(o, row_type.RowTypeConstraint):
return o.get_type_for(name)
return Any
def load_method(state, arg):
"""Like load_attr. Replaces TOS object with method and TOS."""
o = state.stack.pop()
name = state.get_name(arg)
if isinstance(o, Const):
method = Const(getattr(o.value, name))
elif isinstance(o, typehints.AnyTypeConstraint):
method = typehints.Any
elif hasattr(o, name):
attr = getattr(o, name)
if isinstance(attr, _MethodDescriptorType):
# Skip builtins since they don't disassemble.
method = typehints.Any
method = Const(BoundMethod(attr, o))
method = typehints.Any
def compare_op(state, unused_arg):
# Could really be anything...
state.stack[-2:] = [bool]
is_op = compare_op
contains_op = compare_op
def import_name(state, unused_arg):
state.stack[-2:] = [Any]
import_from = push_value(Any)
def load_global(state, arg):
if (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) >= (3, 11):
arg = arg >> 1
store_map = pop_two
def load_fast(state, arg):
load_fast_check = load_fast
def load_fast_and_clear(state, arg):
state.vars[arg] = None
def store_fast(state, arg):
state.vars[arg] = state.stack.pop()
def delete_fast(state, arg):
state.vars[arg] = Any # really an error
def swap(state, arg):
state.stack[-arg], state.stack[-1] = state.stack[-1], state.stack[-arg]
def reraise(state, arg):
# bpo-43683 Adds GEN_START in Python 3.10, but removed in Python 3.11
# https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/25138
def gen_start(state, arg):
assert len(state.stack) == 0
def load_closure(state, arg):
# The arg is no longer offset by len(covar_names) as of 3.11
# See https://docs.python.org/3/library/dis.html#opcode-LOAD_CLOSURE
if (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) >= (3, 11):
arg -= len(state.co.co_varnames)
def load_deref(state, arg):
# The arg is no longer offset by len(covar_names) as of 3.11
# See https://docs.python.org/3/library/dis.html#opcode-LOAD_DEREF
if (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) >= (3, 11):
arg -= len(state.co.co_varnames)
def make_function(state, arg):
"""Creates a function with the arguments at the top of the stack.
# TODO(luke-zhu): Handle default argument types
globals = state.f.__globals__ # Inherits globals from the current frame
tos = state.stack[-1].value
# In Python 3.11 lambdas no longer have fully qualified names on the stack,
# so we check for this case (AKA the code is top of stack.)
if isinstance(tos, types.CodeType):
func_name = None
func_code = tos
pop_count = 1
is_lambda = True
func_name = tos
func_code = state.stack[-2].value
pop_count = 2
is_lambda = False
closure = None
# arg contains flags, with corresponding stack values if positive.
# https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/dis.html#opcode-MAKE_FUNCTION
pop_count += bin(arg).count('1')
if arg & 0x08:
# Convert types in Tuple constraint to a tuple of CPython cells.
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/44670295
if is_lambda:
closureTuplePos = -2
closureTuplePos = -3
closure = tuple((lambda _: lambda: _)(t).__closure__[0]
for t in state.stack[closureTuplePos].tuple_types)
func = types.FunctionType(func_code, globals, name=func_name, closure=closure)
assert pop_count <= len(state.stack)
state.stack[-pop_count:] = [Const(func)]
def make_closure(state, arg):
state.stack[-arg - 2:] = [Any] # a callable
def build_slice(state, arg):
state.stack[-arg:] = [slice] # a slice object
def _unpack_lists(state, arg):
"""Extract inner types of Lists and Tuples.
Pops arg count items from the stack, concatenates their inner types into 1
list, and returns that list.
Example: if stack[-arg:] == [[i1, i2], [i3]], the output is [i1, i2, i3]
types = []
for i in range(arg, 0, -1):
type_constraint = state.stack[-i]
if isinstance(type_constraint, typehints.IndexableTypeConstraint):
elif type_constraint == Union[()]:
logging.debug('Unhandled type_constraint: %r', type_constraint)
state.stack[-arg:] = []
return types
def build_list_unpack(state, arg):
"""Joins arg count iterables from the stack into a single list."""
state.stack.append(List[Union[_unpack_lists(state, arg)]])
def build_set_unpack(state, arg):
"""Joins arg count iterables from the stack into a single set."""
state.stack.append(Set[Union[_unpack_lists(state, arg)]])
def build_tuple_unpack(state, arg):
"""Joins arg count iterables from the stack into a single tuple."""
state.stack.append(Tuple[Union[_unpack_lists(state, arg)], ...])
def build_tuple_unpack_with_call(state, arg):
"""Same as build_tuple_unpack, with an extra fn argument at the bottom of the
stack, which remains untouched."""
build_tuple_unpack(state, arg)
def build_map_unpack(state, arg):
"""Joins arg count maps from the stack into a single dict."""
key_types = []
value_types = []
for _ in range(arg):
type_constraint = state.stack.pop()
if isinstance(type_constraint, typehints.Dict.DictConstraint):
key_type, value_type = key_value_types(element_type(type_constraint))
state.stack.append(Dict[Union[key_types], Union[value_types]])