apache_beam.runners.sdf_utils module

Common utility class to help SDK harness to execute an SDF.

class apache_beam.runners.sdf_utils.SplitResultPrimary(primary_value)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of SplitResultPrimary(primary_value,)

primary_value: WindowedValue

Alias for field number 0

class apache_beam.runners.sdf_utils.SplitResultResidual(residual_value, current_watermark, deferred_timestamp)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of SplitResultResidual(residual_value, current_watermark, deferred_timestamp)

current_watermark: Timestamp

Alias for field number 1

deferred_timestamp: Duration | None

Alias for field number 2

residual_value: WindowedValue

Alias for field number 0

class apache_beam.runners.sdf_utils.ThreadsafeRestrictionTracker(restriction_tracker: RestrictionTracker)[source]

Bases: object

A thread-safe wrapper which wraps a RestrictionTracker.

This wrapper guarantees synchronization of modifying restrictions across multi-thread.


Performs self-checkpoint on current processing restriction with an expected resuming time.

Self-checkpoint could happen during processing elements. When executing an DoFn.process(), you may want to stop processing an element and resuming later if current element has been processed quit a long time or you also want to have some outputs from other elements. defer_remainder() can be called on per element if needed.


deferred_time – A relative Duration that indicates the ideal time gap between now and resuming, or an absolute Timestamp for resuming execution time. If the time_delay is None, the deferred work will be executed as soon as possible.

current_progress() RestrictionProgress[source]
deferred_status() Tuple[Any, Duration] | None[source]

Returns deferred work which is produced by defer_remainder().

When there is a self-checkpoint performed, the system needs to fulfill the DelayedBundleApplication with deferred_work for a ProcessBundleResponse. The system calls this API to get deferred_residual with watermark together to help the runner to schedule a future work.

Returns: (deferred_residual, time_delay) if having any residual, else None.

class apache_beam.runners.sdf_utils.RestrictionTrackerView(threadsafe_restriction_tracker: ThreadsafeRestrictionTracker)[source]

Bases: object

A DoFn view of thread-safe RestrictionTracker.

The RestrictionTrackerView wraps a ThreadsafeRestrictionTracker and only exposes APIs that will be called by a DoFn.process(). During execution time, the RestrictionTrackerView will be fed into the DoFn.process as a restriction_tracker.

class apache_beam.runners.sdf_utils.ThreadsafeWatermarkEstimator(watermark_estimator: WatermarkEstimator)[source]

Bases: object

A threadsafe wrapper which wraps a WatermarkEstimator with locking mechanism to guarantee multi-thread safety.

current_watermark() Timestamp[source]
observe_timestamp(timestamp: Timestamp) None[source]
class apache_beam.runners.sdf_utils.NoOpWatermarkEstimatorProvider[source]

Bases: WatermarkEstimatorProvider

A WatermarkEstimatorProvider which creates NoOpWatermarkEstimator for the framework.

initial_estimator_state(element, restriction)[source]