for configuring pipeline execution.See: Description
Interface | Description |
ApplicationNameOptions |
Options that allow setting the application name.
DefaultValueFactory<T> |
An interface used with the
Default.InstanceFactory annotation to specify the class that
will be an instance factory to produce default values for a given getter on PipelineOptions . |
ExecutorOptions |
Options for configuring the
ScheduledExecutorService used throughout the Java runtime. |
ExperimentalOptions |
Apache Beam provides a number of experimental features that can be enabled with this flag.
FileStagingOptions |
File staging related options.
ManualDockerEnvironmentOptions |
Pipeline options to tune DockerEnvironment.
MemoryMonitorOptions |
Options that are used to control the Memory Monitor.
PipelineOptions |
PipelineOptions are used to configure Pipelines.
PipelineOptionsRegistrar |
PipelineOptions creators have the ability to automatically have their PipelineOptions registered with this SDK by creating a ServiceLoader entry and a
concrete implementation of this interface. |
PortablePipelineOptions |
Pipeline options common to all portable runners.
RemoteEnvironmentOptions |
Options that are used to control configuration of the remote environment.
SdkHarnessOptions |
Options that are used to control configuration of the SDK harness.
SdkHarnessOptions.MaxCacheMemoryUsageMb |
Specifies the maximum amount of memory to use within the current SDK harness instance.
StreamingOptions |
Options used to configure streaming.
ValueProvider<T> |
ValueProvider abstracts the notion of fetching a value that may or may not be currently
available. |
Class | Description |
DefaultPipelineOptionsRegistrar |
PipelineOptionsRegistrar containing the PipelineOptions subclasses available by
default. |
ExecutorOptions.ScheduledExecutorServiceFactory |
Returns the default
ScheduledExecutorService to use within the Apache Beam SDK. |
ManualDockerEnvironmentOptions.Options |
Register the
ManualDockerEnvironmentOptions . |
PipelineOptions.AtomicLongFactory |
DefaultValueFactory which supplies an ID that is guaranteed to be unique within the
given process. |
PipelineOptions.DirectRunner |
DefaultValueFactory that obtains the class of the DirectRunner if it exists
on the classpath, and throws an exception otherwise. |
PipelineOptions.JobNameFactory |
Returns a normalized job name constructed from
ApplicationNameOptions.getAppName() , the
local system user name (if available), the current time, and a random integer. |
PipelineOptions.UserAgentFactory |
Returns a user agent string constructed from
ReleaseInfo.getName() and ReleaseInfo.getVersion() , in the format [name]/[version] . |
PipelineOptionsFactory |
Constructs a
PipelineOptions or any derived interface that is composable to any other
derived interface of PipelineOptions via the PipelineOptions.as(java.lang.Class<T>) method. |
PipelineOptionsFactory.Builder |
A fluent
PipelineOptions builder. |
PipelineOptionsValidator |
Validates that the
PipelineOptions conforms to all the Validation criteria. |
RemoteEnvironmentOptions.Options |
Register the
RemoteEnvironmentOptions . |
SdkHarnessOptions.BundleProcessorCacheTimeoutFactory | |
SdkHarnessOptions.DefaultMaxCacheMemoryUsageMb |
The default implementation which detects how much memory to use for a process wide cache.
SdkHarnessOptions.DefaultMaxCacheMemoryUsageMbFactory |
DefaultValueFactory which constructs an instance of the class specified by maxCacheMemoryUsageMbClass to compute the maximum amount of
memory to allocate to the process wide cache within an SDK harness instance. |
SdkHarnessOptions.SdkHarnessLogLevelOverrides |
Defines a log level override for a specific class, package, or name.
ValueProvider.Deserializer |
For internal use only; no backwards compatibility guarantees.
ValueProvider.NestedValueProvider<T,X> |
ValueProvider.NestedValueProvider is an implementation of ValueProvider that allows for
wrapping another ValueProvider object. |
ValueProvider.RuntimeValueProvider<T> |
ValueProvider.RuntimeValueProvider is an implementation of ValueProvider that allows for a
value to be provided at execution time rather than at graph construction time. |
ValueProvider.Serializer |
For internal use only; no backwards compatibility guarantees.
ValueProvider.StaticValueProvider<T> |
ValueProvider.StaticValueProvider is an implementation of ValueProvider that allows for a
static value to be provided. |
ValueProviders |
Utilities for working with the
ValueProvider interface. |
Enum | Description |
PipelineOptions.CheckEnabled |
Enumeration of the possible states for a given check.
SdkHarnessOptions.LogLevel |
The set of log levels that can be used in the SDK harness.
Annotation Type | Description |
Default |
Default represents a set of annotations that can be used to annotate getter properties on
PipelineOptions with information representing the default value to be returned if no
value is specified. |
Default.Boolean |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified boolean primitive value.
Default.Byte |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified byte primitive value.
Default.Character |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified char primitive value.
Default.Class |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified
Class value. |
Default.Double |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified double primitive value.
Default.Enum |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified enum.
Default.Float |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified float primitive value.
Default.InstanceFactory |
Value must be of type
DefaultValueFactory and have a default constructor. |
Default.Integer |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified int primitive value.
Default.Long |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified long primitive value.
Default.Short |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified short primitive value.
Default.String |
This represents that the default of the option is the specified
String value. |
Description |
Descriptions are used to generate human readable output when the
--help command is
specified. |
Hidden |
Methods and/or interfaces annotated with
@Hidden will be suppressed from being output
when --help is specified on the command-line. |
Validation |
Validation represents a set of annotations that can be used to annotate getter properties
on PipelineOptions with information representing the validation criteria to be used when
validating with the PipelineOptionsValidator . |
Validation.Required |
This criteria specifies that the value must be not null.
for configuring pipeline execution.
encapsulates the various parameters that
describe how a pipeline should be run. PipelineOptions
are created using a PipelineOptionsFactory